We are super excited to be welcoming Abi Mayall, to the marketing team. 
Abi is in fact an old dear friend whom we have shared many happy memories with while our kids grew up in France and Bali and the magical Green school.  
What is your self-care during lockdown?
I start my mornings with a sequence of self-care practices. Firstly, I do Sonja Lockyer's Morning Ritual each day at 6.30. Tuning into that community every morning is the best start I could wish for and whether it's yoga, breathwork or Qoya movement it's always divine.
Next I do some yoga. I love yoga with Adrienne and follow her 30-day programs. Then I hop into my costume, booties and gloves and pop down to the quayside for a swim. I've become completely addicted and my body now craves the cold. I follow that with a few Wim Hoff exercises then it's home for a hot shower and a bullet proof coffee....then there's literally no stopping me! 
What is your guilty pleasure?
This is an interesting question for me as I don't feel guilty at all about any pleasure in my life. In fact, I actively seek pleasure each and every day as I think it is an incredibly important part of nourishing your body and mind. If I'm full of joy, feeling happy and healthy and rocking a massive smile then I'm in the best position to give back love and pleasure to others. I'll feel like giving my lover a compliment or making my kiddies some extra yummy smoothie bowls. It's a win/win situation!
What is your most cherished possession and why?
I have a small silver photo frame that folds in two and on each side, there is a picture of my son and daughter when they were new-born sleeping soundly. I adore it as they look exactly the same now when they sleep. I take it everywhere with me and it reminds me to appreciate every moment I get to spend with these epic human beings and how quickly they grow up. I was in bed with them both the other night and it was literally like having an adult either side of me. They really are almost fully cooked; they just need a bit of seasoning now!
Who is your inspirational woman and why?
Oh my word, there are so many, but I have to say Sonja who I mentioned above. We've been through hell and high water together, to put it mildly! Her drive to learn and support her family are a constant source of inspiration to me. She has the resilience of a cockroach (that's not the nicest comparison maybe!) and there is literally no way this woman will be defeated. She is wise like an owl, as loving as a seahorse and I adore her with all my heart.
What is your favourite Wild Azur product?
I'm a Wild Azur Frankincense addict! It's true. I cannot get enough of the stuff. It's the only perfume I have worn for years. I use it in my face oil, I put it in my Wild Azur diffuser, I snort it - it's pure heaven on earth and instantly transports me to a place of clarity and serenity.