My Story ( since you asked!) and why I chose Hemp (CBD) oil

I have always been obsessed with holistic wellbeing, skin food and natural alternatives to mainstream cosmetics (skin poisons), with minimal environmental impact.  In fact I am often putting food on my face whether it be avocado or honey! lol Our skin and health responds so much better to natural, organic, healing plant extracts and oils that derive directly from the earth, rather than toxic, synthetic anti-ageing formulations or chemicals that modern society has come to rely on. 

Hemp oil, as a vegetarian, was my answer to a plant based alternative 'fish oil' so vital for brain function, but I was to discover that Hemp oil (CBD) had a huge host of other benefits too.

Hemp and honey have both been used in skin care for more than 2000 years so it has been so exciting researching and formulating this incredible range and learning about the importance of biodynamic farming direct from our suppliers. Together Hemp and Honey are a powerhouse of vitamins, essential minerals and fatty acids, amongst other healing qualities, so as a combination they really do make the perfect ‘skin food’!

See further blog posts

How does it really work? 

 "Our goal is to further raise awareness about the positive impact we can all make on the environment, the population and our beautiful planet while also radiating naturally based health and beauty, reducing disease and living as optimally and harmoniously as we can.” 